The images module process images via URL query string and fragment, such as resize, crop, fit, fill and align images. This article offers some use cases for showing how to use it.
0.7.0 (2023-07-03) Features add the article-cards shortcode (5824613) add the btn-link shortcode (e2426de) add the container shortcode (853f21a) add the display shortcode (72cd00a) add the row and col shortcodes (751fddc) lead: allow adding extra classes by the class parameter (c010a54) lead: the first parameter has same affect as class (4cf95e8) Bug Fixes article-cards: correct the padding between of thumbnail and title (14f61be) btn-link: do not transform the URL via relURL (0475e58) btn-links: correct URL parsing (c0639a4) icon-grid: fix URL parsing (2a270f0) row: correct the cols parameter assignment when using named parameters (c8d8142)