The images module process images via URL query string and fragment, such as resize, crop, fit, fill and align images. This article offers some use cases for showing how to use it.
0.13.0 (2023-09-25) Features ✨ dropdown-item: add the icon and iconVendor parameters (#83) (ebdb7fe) dropdown: add the class parameter to specify the extra class names (#79) (7888b2a) dropdown: add the icon and iconVendor parameters (#82) (006f3c1) dropdown: add the toggle parameter for showing/hiding the dropdown toggle (#81) (41d6449)
0.12.0 (2023-09-20) Features ✨ add the dropdowns shortcodes (#77) (174cf65) article-cards: add the imgHeight parameter (d66590c) article-cards: add the imgPlaceholder parameter (a2d4b77) article-cards: add the item-attr-* parameters for attaching attributes on elements (7afc9ac) icon-grid: add the alignment parameter, available options: start, center or end (d941ba8) icon-grid: add the border parameter (cb61239) icon-grid: add the item-attr-* dynamic parameters for attaching custom attributes on items (a6fca8f) icon-grid: assign the specified class names for elements to customize styles (1c9c88a) icon-grid: use the page data other than site data if found (#74) (992d944) Bug Fixes 🐞 btn-link: correct the broken links related to the current page when the url not begin with a leading slash (942f4d9) icon-grid: add the default icon class name when className is provided (#76) (b1782f0) Styles 🎨 change the image height as 120px by default (d66590c) icon-grid: change the gap between of icons and titles to me-2 (39ef018)